mod June 15, 2004


Mmrts doesnt have much usability to it yet, you can get the map engine test program boardtest.zipmmrts - BoardtestLocal download. It is currently only compiled for windows.

Instructions for compiling mmrts

First get all the source files from the cvsViewCVS showing the source to mmrtsExternal page tree and get everything (you'll probably want to use a cvs programGoogle search for CVS TutorialExternal page).

Next, delete (or rename) all of the following files except the file you want to use to compile:

  • mmrts/editor/editor.cpp
  • mmrts/src/mmrts.cpp
  • mmrts/tests/animation.cpp
  • mmrts/tests/boardtest.cpp
  • mmrts/tools/makemap.cpp

The file you preserve would be the program you want to run.

Lastly, compile. Compiling should be fairly easy, something like g++ mmrts/*/*.cpp -o mmrts `allegro-config --libs`. allegro-config is a program provided with Allegro that supplies the correct command line attributes for you machine. You're going to have to install Allegro to compile if you havent already.

So for example lets say i want to compile the map editor on linux, I would get in bash and type (this is assuming I've installed AllegroAllegro game creation libraryExternal page, when installing allegro, make sure to read your OS appropriete install file in allegro/docs/build):

cd /home/dusty
cvs -z3 co mmrts
cd mmrts
rm -f src/mmrts.cpp tests/animation.cpp tests/boardtest.cpp tools/makemap.cpp
g++ */*.cpp -o mmrts `allegro-config --libs`

Change the rm -f line to delete every file except the one you want to use. What each file does:

  • mmrts/editor.cpp
    • Map editor, GUI version
  • mmrts/src/mmrts.cpp
    • Main source file for mmrts, at the time of this writting it does nothing
  • mmrts/tests/animation.cpp
    • Tests and demonstraits the animation and timing routines of mmrts. Nothing fancy
  • mmrts/tests/boardtest.cpp
    • Creates a test map and saves it to file. Attempts to read from the file if it exists. Note that at the time of this writting, map opening from file is malfunctioning.
  • mmrts/tools/makemap.cpp
    • Creates a map and saves it to file. Command line version, pass --help for more information

Thats it! Why so complicated? Well, the makefile is almost done (Ryans saying just a few more man hours). Once thats finished and we fix some of the bugs in the editor and map file loading, a release might come. It all depends on how hard we work. Come in and bug us to finish on IRC. CGames (RyanRyan's profile page on SourceforgeExternal page), DDustin (DustinDustin's profile page on SourceforgeExternal page), and krzysiek- (KrzysztofKrzysztof's profile page on SourceforgeExternal page) are usually on EFNET in #allegro